Transactional Analysis Training

TA East has been awarded Registered Training Establishment status with UKATA, which will ensure we meet the following requirements.

The programme has been structured to meet the psychotherapy training requirements of:

• European Association for Transactional Analysis, (EATA) the accrediting and examining body for TA in Europe

• United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).

• UKCP Recognition of the training is through the United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA).

UKATA is affiliated to EATA and is a member organisation of the Humanistic and Integrative College of UKCP (HIPC).

The course is structured as follows:

• 101 Certificate in Transactional Analysis- 12 hours training accredited by EATA, pre-requisite to all TA Training

. • Foundation Year: to be completed by all entrants to the Programme, this is also 1st year of the Diploma and the “core psychotherapy training”

• Year 2: 2nd year of core psychotherapy training and of the Diploma

• Year 3: 3rd year of core psychotherapy training and completion of taught years of Diploma in Counselling using TA. Students can exit here and go on to complete the Counselling qualification, UKATA Diploma in TA, leading to BACP accreditation

. • Year 4: 4th year of core psychotherapy training

• Exam Preparation Group

The counselling course consists of three years of formal training, this is divided into two modules per year, totalling six modules. The Psychotherapy course consists of four years of formal training, this is divided into two modules per year, totalling six modules. Each module consists of five twelve hour weekend units, totalling sixty hours of training, therefore two modules a year total one hundred and twenty training hours. The course is divided into the foundation year-diploma one, advanced training diploma two, advanced training diploma three and advanced training diploma four for Psychotherapy trainees.

The foundation year, year one of the diploma, is the first year of counselling and psychotherapy training, it can also be a year for self development, developing skills for the workplace or for those interested in working in education and organisational settings. The year offers an in-depth overview of the core theories and key concepts of Transactional Analysis. It can be a stand alone year or can be accredited towards ongoing training in TA. The year comprises of self exploration, group process, Transactional Analysis theory, skills development and Counselling and Psychotherapy practise. Central to the year will be diversity, social responsibility and political contexts in the therapeutic setting.

The third year, year three of the Diploma in Transactional analysis is advanced training for Psychotherapy trainees and the final year for counselling trainees. This year will focus on the transferential relationship and the unconscious process. Drawing on relational Transactional Analysis and other theories, including psychodynamic, object relations and self psychology. Here students will explore the difference between working with the transference, the Adult alongside and working in the transference. Decontamination and deconfusion processes will be explored as running parallel from the beginning of the therapeutic relationship, domains of transference will be explore in depth. Trainees will continue to work in one or two placements. Case studies will be analysed in depth. Counselling trainees will exit at the end of this year to complete an 8000 word case study and work towards a viva exam. The year also, comprises of self exploration, group process, Transactional Analysis theory, skills development and Counselling and Psychotherapy practise. Central to the year will be diversity, social responsibility and political contexts in the therapeutic setting.

The fourth year, year four of the diploma in Transactional Analysis aims to build on previous years of training. Aspects of the final CTA exam and requirements will be integrated into the curriculum, including, diversity, cultural implications, ethics, research, personal style, DSM5, diagnosis, treatment planing, group work and mental health settings. Trainees will have the option to consider specialist interests including working in dual language, the implications of using translators, working with refugees, use of the self in the therapeutic dyad and so on. The year also, comprises of self exploration, group process, Transactional Analysis theory, skills development and Psychotherapy practise. Central to the year will be diversity, social responsibility and political contexts in the therapeutic setting.

Following the four years of formal training trainees enter into exam preparation, in order to work towards their final CTA written and viva exam. TA east will offer exam prep and dissertation modules in house, though students may also seek support from supervisors and other RTE Institutes alongside this.

• Exam Preparation Group: At the completion of the taught programme psychotherapy students can continue in an Exam prep group or with a supervisor, to complete the Psychotherapy qualification, Certified Transactional Analyst, which is recognised by the UKCP as eligible for registration as a psychotherapist.

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