Continued Professional Development Workshops

A Transcultural and Intersectional Ego State Model of the Self with Victoria Baskerville (She/her) TSTA

Saturday 7th September 11- 1.30pm

This workshop explores Victoria Baskerville's (2022) Transcultural and Intersectional Ego State Model, considering the influence of transculture and intersectional identity on self and other. The model considers the intersect and interplay between race, gender, and other

cultural selves, accounting for the complexity of cultural experience and narrative. Through enquiry of cultural selves and through mapping on an Ego State Model, we can develop more insight into intersectional identity, including how privilege and oppression is manifested in self and enacted in the world, how we may reflect on and locate cultural impasse, unconscious bias, generational oppression, white privilege, othering, and power dynamics.

Victoria will reflect on a dialogue with a colleague J, where both were called to name and account for their differences. In this dialogue cultural narrative was shared and unique differences and intersectional identities were mapped and discussed.

Participants will be invited to consider their transcultural experience and locate their intersectional identity, thus accounting for power dynamics.

Victoria Baskerville has been practicing as a Transactional Analyst Psychotherapist, supervisor, and trainer for over 20 years, based in multi-diverse East London. Five years ago, she founded TA East London Institute, which is housed in a community building in the heart of the urban community. Integral to every aspect of training is intersectionality, bringing counselling and psychotherapy into a social and political contexts. Victoria recently completed a two year UKCP research project on Inclusivity and Exclusivity in counselling and psychotherapy training, published in the new psychotherapist and Transactional Analyst. She is on the editorial team of the Transactional analysts and authors 'Amplified Voices' each quarter. She is interested in Queer theory and how Queer identities are challenging all forms of oppression.

Victoria identifies as lesbian and Queer.

TA East community: £20
Non member: £25

This workshop will not be recorded. The Zoom Link will be sent to all participants the day before the event.

Deconstruction of theory and practice through an intersectional lens with Victoria Baskerville (She/her) TSTA

Saturday 19th October 11-1.30pm

This workshop will bring alive Victoria’s recent article and thinking on inclusive theory and practice. ‘Historically counselling and psychotherapy and indeed transactional analysis has been influenced by western/northern hemisphere concepts and ideology. Thus, largely offering a White, individualistic, heteronormative, neurotypical, middle-class, and binary lens to theory, practice, and curriculums.

This article aims to offer a model to deconstruct and reconstruct, and begin to decolonise our theories and curriculums, thus facilitating the reconstruction of theories with an intersectional lens.’ This workshop will explore the ideas of deconstruction theory and thus the dismantling of social constructs, language, and meaning through a historical, social, cultural, and political lens.

A model will be offered to deconstruct and then reconstruct theory, aiming to invite representation of all Intersectional identities, thus accounting for power dynamics and furthering inclusive theory and practice.

Victoria Baskerville has been practicing as a Transactional Analyst Psychotherapist, supervisor, and trainer for 25 years, based in multi-diverse East London. Five years ago, she founded TA East London Institute, which is housed in a community building in the heart of the urban community. Integral to every aspect of training is intersectionality, bringing counselling and psychotherapy into a social and political contexts. Victoria recently completed a two year UKCP research project on Inclusivity and Exclusivity in counselling and psychotherapy training, published in the new psychotherapist and Transactional Analyst. She is on the editorial team of the Transactional analysts and authors ‘Amplified Voices’ each quarter. And is current entry writing a book ‘Contemporary Transactional Analysis through an Intersectional lens; Deconstruction and reconstruction of theory and practice’ for the “Innovations in Transactional Analysis”series edited by William F. Cornell.

This workshop is tailored for trainees, trainers and supervisors across all fields, and who are planning and delivering/partaking in the curriculum and facilitating/engaging in the deconstruction process. The aim is that trainees, trainers and supervisors will have space to reflect on inclusive practice, accounting for representation and intersectional power dynamics.

TA East community: £20
Non member: £25

This workshop will not be recorded. The Zoom Link will be sent to all participants the day before the event.

Queer identities and GSRD inclusive practice with Victoria Baskerville (She/her) TSTA

Sunday 27th October 11- 1.30pm

This workshop will reflect on Queer identities, including Trans, Non binary, gender fluid identities and working across all GSRD, Gender Sex Relationship, Diversity. The importance of pronouns will be explored. Queer theory will be mused, calling for dialogue around the evolving of social and political constructs. We will reflect on the limits of the binary and the Trans and neurodivergent movement leading the way for autonomy.

Attends will be invited to consider what needs to be put in place to make our practice GSRD aware and inclusive.

Victoria Baskerville has been practicing as a Transactional Analyst Psychotherapist, supervisor, and trainer for over 20 years, based in multi-diverse East London. Five years ago, she founded TA East London Institute, which is housed in a community building in the heart of the urban community. Integral to every aspect of training is intersectionality, bringing counselling and psychotherapy into a social and political contexts. Victoria recently completed a two year UKCP research project on Inclusivity and Exclusivity in counselling and psychotherapy training, published in the new psychotherapist and Transactional Analyst. She is on the editorial team of the Transactional analysts and authors 'Amplified Voices' each quarter. She is interested in Queer theory and how Queer identities are challenging all forms of oppression.

Victoria identifies as lesbian and Queer.

TA East community: £20
Non member: £25

This workshop will not be recorded. The Zoom Link will be sent to all participants the day before the event.

Professional Development and Exam Preparation Group with Victoria Baskerville (She/her) TSTA

October 2024 - June 2025

The group will support participants' professional and personal development, with space for process, supervision themes and exploring and deciding on the various qualifying routes. All routes have overlaps and require confidence in understanding theory, presenting clients, working through ethical dilemmas, choosing tapes, and having clarity around professional identity. The CTA and the new Humanistic Integrative UKCP registration and the Therapeutic Diploma qualifications will be systematically considered. Other themes may include logging of hours, MHFP, setting-up groups, writing the written exam, theoretical discussion, dialogue around personal style, writing the Case Study, Section D questions, recording selections, preparing for the Viva, mock exams and other professional development and supervision themes.
These hours can be counted towards formal training hours for both the CTA and UKCP Registration. This group will offer a collegial, motivational, and supportive space to walk together towards qualification.

The group will meet in person at our TA East training rooms in Leyton, East London, although some students attend online. The sessions will be 10:30am - 4pm on a Friday, roughly every 6 weeks.

The next block of 6 session will be:

  1. Friday 18th October 2024, 10:30am - 4pm

  2. Friday 22nd November 2024, 10:30am - 4pm

  3. Friday 17th January 2025, 10:30am - 4pm

  4. Friday 14th March 2025, 10:30am - 4pm

  5. Friday 9th May, 2025, 10:30am - 4pm

  6. Friday 27th June 2025, 10:30am - 4pm

The fee will be: £420 + VAT (£504). This can be paid in 6 installments on the 1st of each month, of £70 + VAT (£84).

Ready to apply?