Jazz Rehal

Jazz Rehal (she/her)



MSc in TA psychotherapy UKCP, EATA registered Psychotherapist. Jazz is an individual and couple counsellor with a small private practise in Berkshire which she runs part time alongside her first career as a Senior Communications consultant in healthcare. She has experience as a support teacher at Metanoia, has worked at Talking Therapies and a Youth Counselling Service as well as co-facilitating a male survivors group. Jazz sees the power of Transactional Analysis and the healing nature of Group work as a significant opportunity to better understand power processes, politics and difference in relation to the self, other and between. She is particularly interested in Cultural Scripting and Trans Generational scripting and how it can barrack change. Jazz has seen a significant rise in the number of Asian individuals and couples in her private practise, many of whom are second generation and struggle with the duality of being British and Asian and the challenge of belonging to two cultures and often the painful alienation of the in-between. Jazz’s particular interest lies in anxiety and how the commonality of the word contributes to a discounting of the lived experience. Jazz sees anxiety as a form of acute isolation associated with a lack of attachment and attunement and is very interested in conducting future research in this area.