Victoria Baskerville

Victoria Baskerville (She/Her)


MSc, BA (Hons), PGCE, CTA, TSTA, EATA, ITAA, UKCP Psychotherapist 

Victoria Baskerville has been practicing as a Transactional Analyst Psychotherapist, supervisor, and trainer for 25 years, based in multi-diverse East London. Five years ago, she founded TA East London Institute, which is housed in a community building in the heart of the urban community. Integral to every aspect of training is intersectionality, bringing counselling and psychotherapy into a social and political contexts. In July 2022 Victoria’s TAJ article was published; “A Transcultural and Intersectional Ego State Model of the Self: The Influence of Transcultural and Intersectional Identity on Self and Other.” And then in 2023 she developed a model to Deconstruct and Reconstruct the curriculum with an Intersectional lens.

Moreover, she recently completed a two year UKCP research project on Inclusivity and Exclusivity in counselling and psychotherapy training, published in the UK’s new psychotherapist and Transactional Analyst magazines. Furthermore she is on the editorial team of the Transactional analysts UK magazine and authors ‘Amplified Voices’ each quarter. And is currently writing a book ‘Contemporary Transactional Analysis through an Intersectional lens; Deconstruction and reconstruction of theory and practice’ for the “Innovations in Transactional Analysis” series edited by William F. Cornell. Victoria is interested in Queer theory and how Queer identities are challenging all forms of binary oppression.